President: James Schmieder
Treasurer: Caroline Kroll
Vice President: Peter Melby
Secretary: Jeffrey Strange
Josephine Kischer
Alaina Reeves
​Paul Fields
Rob Snyder
Tom Nall
One member of the council serves on each of the following committees.
Adult Discipleship
This committee focuses on helping the congregation grow in faith. It works with the pastor to plan, maintain, and supervise programs of adult education within this congregation. It provides programs and events which deepen the spiritual life of this congregation. All materials and instruction are Christ centered and in full accord with the scriptures and the teachings of the Lutheran Church. It sees that there is adequate teacher training and that teachers receive support and care. It coordinates and promotes retreat activities. This committee supports WELCA and its circles of Bible studies for our church women.
Building & Grounds
Buildings and grounds ministry is involved with the upkeep and repairs of the church building and all the grounds. It works with the custodian to coordinate proper maintenance and repairs and will make an annual inspection of repairs needed. There are annual workdays when our congregation members are invited to participate in keeping our church in good condition.
Care Ministry
This committee is concerned with the support of the population of this congregation by providing care for the members. Members of this committee provide in-home communion, promote health care and assistance in homes for the elderly, visit members unable to be out or who are in nursing homes. This committee oversees our homeless ministry and supports its needs. They also actively participate in our prayer ministry.
Congregation Life & Fellowship
This committee is concerned with the general welfare of this congregation and builds a sense of togetherness and mutual concern. It organizes or works together with other committees, auxiliaries, and organizations to promote congregation gatherings which help fellowship to flourish within the congregation.
Evangelism ministry is responsible for the direction of college ministries, social ministries within our congregation and church publicity. This committee works with the pastor to stimulate the interest of inactive members. It is also concerned with the missions of the church and sharing these missions with the community by utilizing available public media. It promotes the global mission of the Church, specifically through programs, mission, and ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This ministry team is concerned with the condition of all God’s creation and motivates this congregation to see solutions to problems and injustices wherever they exist. This requires the ministry team to be aware of issues which affect people and the environment locally, nationally, and globally and to sensitize the member of this congregation to these issues for purpose of developing proper responses. Guidelines and directions regarding social concerns and ministry are received and reviewed from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This team is also responsible for the public relations of our church activities and missions.
This Committee challenges members of the congregation with the biblical understanding of Christian stewardship to participate through programs and educational opportunities. It encourages a gracious response to our gracious God to include a response of time, talents, and treasures, and to encourage involvement by all members in the mission of the congregation. It provides an annual stewardship program, usually in the fall of the year. It monitors the giving of the congregation throughout the year with reference to the congregation's budget. It assures that the offerings are properly counted, recorded, and banked following each Worship service. Offering envelopes are available in the pews and in the office or offerings can be given online. It promotes and supports ministries on the local, synodical, and church wide levels.
Worship & Music
This ministry has the responsibility of coordinating all music and worship for the services. Meetings are held as needed. This committee assists the pastor in worship planning. It coordinates the activities of all the following: lectors, ushers, greeters, altar guild, acolytes, organists, pianists, instrumentalists, and praise band. It assures that the musical instruments of this congregation receive proper use, service, and repair and provides hymnals, altar supplies and music. The committee counts and records the number in attendance at worship services. It encourages a worshipful setting including appropriate flowers, banners, and vestments.
Meetings are held quarterly, for more information, please call the church office.
Youth & Family
The Youth and Family committee covers a wide variety of ministry opportunities including the Christmas program, confirmation, youth library, Family Promise, summer programs and youth activities. Meetings are the scheduled as needed. This committee promotes and supervises the ministry for families of this congregation. This includes programs and activities which assist young people in growing in their faith and fellowship. It works with the pastor and other adults to provide this ministry for our youth. It encourages participation in church camps, youth retreats, synodical and Churchwide youth gatherings and activities. It is also responsible for the supervision and upkeep of the Youth Library.